Calendar Graphic

Everclear Pool & Spas

Project Process

✅ Everclear: Pay Invoice 248 which begins work and signifies agreement to AJDK Project Agreement

✅ Everclear: Send AJDK samples of organization brand (website, brochures, business cards, etc).

✅ AJDK: First Concept (PDF): Wireframe (no styling, colours, rough icons) of project to approve all wording and layout. Click here to view ➔

✅ Everclear: Review wireframe. Here you are looking for correct wording, information, and general layout. Design and styling has not been applied at this stage.

  • Interpreting the document: Magenta text is only for reference. All text in (brackets) and dark blue is describing imagery and is not wording which will appear in the final product. All other text should be reviewed as final copy.

  • Feedback: Please leave feedback by leaving notes or comments on top of the PDF you are reviewing so I know which element you are referring to exactly. Please collect all feedback and submit one PDF annotated with all comments.

  • Requested Images: For requested image references, please make the filenames the step number they are referring to and send in one batch. Trouble sending a large batch? Try sending through wetransfer or sharing a Dropbox folder.

    View wireframe 1.0 ➔

✅ AJDK: Second Concept (PDF): Project styled with proper colours, fonts, icons. View approved icon style here ➔

✅ Everclear: Deliver missing pieces (header footer content)

✅ AJDK: Complete icons

Everclear: Approve second concept or enter 1 round of revision. (1 round of revision = client issuing feedback & AJDK acting on feedback)